Hellow Yellow Mellowww !
Mish you guys btw, im sorrryy for being a lazy person this lately day ! damn. sakai betol perangai. haha. pressure balaja, byk assignment , presentation......... FINAL !
i had soo busy . mcm2 lah . heh ;)) . Oke2, first of all i wish to all my dear fellas.. thanks A LOT for coming to my open house last saturday. even putrajaya tuh agak pedalaman sket (haha, sedar pulak. hehe) utk org dtg, tapi u all dtg jgak. i reallllyyy appreciate that. u noe what, it was so nice to have sooo mannnyy friends like u guys. even tho, yaya dah wish dlm facebook. tapi tak kira nak wish gak thanks lagi sekali kat blog. haha. yeah that day was soo great babess. thanks again yeah. love you guys soo much
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
TAPIIII.....ape yang buat ya jadik x bape besh sbb org yg paling penting n yg ya harap2 sgt2 dtg x dapat dtg. cos he got other faculty event n got so many things to do there. hope u doing greattt;) it's okay hunny, i understand u. i noe u pon sebesalah dgn i kan dear. but i said, IT'S OK. we still have next year Hari Raya celebration aite. insyaAllah.
*BIG hugss*
untuk shayang yang terchentaaa ;)
CONTINUEEE ... u guys nak tau tak ape menu ya on that day? hm, takde la gempaq sangat kan. tapi kite buat ala kadar and mana yg mampu je. hm, abah ya just order nasi arab, mak ya masak laksa utara + rojak buah . and other desserts just order dari aunty ya je. see, simple je kan menu. hehe. nak tgok gamba. menyelerakan tak ;P
OUR main menu . Nasi Arab Kambing & Ayam . Yummy .
jarang ada kat open house tau . haha. tapi ni special punya. ekeke ;)
aiman . amalina . wanie . meerul
WHITE team. hah, poyo !
*Hugs & Kisses *
♥ Much luv : Yaya ♥
p/s : sorry to my others friends yang dtg, like my schoolmate, kwn tution, classmate. gamba u all belom di update. will update later yeap. love you guys too. and thanks a LOT .
WHITE team. hah, poyo !
*Hugs & Kisses *
♥ Much luv : Yaya ♥
p/s : sorry to my others friends yang dtg, like my schoolmate, kwn tution, classmate. gamba u all belom di update. will update later yeap. love you guys too. and thanks a LOT .
SYG..im really sorryyyyy didnt come to ur open house syg..
sorry,i busy kat cini....huh...
can wait to see u hunny!!
im reallyy misss u dear!!
cmne?? ;p
xpe,sabar ayiz sabar!!heee..
syg!u look really nice btw!!!
naaak cayunk!!huhu..
sayang choomeeeeelll ;p
saayangggg !
it's okay darlingsss .
kwn2 yang len dtg je kan .
so i happy jgak , tp lebih happy kalau ada syg kan. alaaa, sokey k
i mishh u even MORREEE !
thanks for ur wish .
Take care taw .
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