Thank You Followers

November 1, 2011

I'm shooo shooryy.

Hye followers hye bloggers. I'm sorry for the lack updates, things have been very interesting and exciting this last little while. Time flies super fast, I wish I would have more time to blog. And since my WiFi is not working, I can't access any sites like Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, You Tube and so on. And u guys nak tahu, I'm addicted to Twitter now tau. Okay, so lame and ketinggalan zaman, boo to Yaya. Haha. Actually before this I ada Twitter account but tak too active sangat. Maybe now all my friend is there so senang :)  Okay back to all online stuffs, As we know life without Blogger and Twitter are just like living in a jungle or would be nothing. Lol. I couldn't write, so when I can't express my hidden thoughts or just want to say whatever comes into my head atm, I might be a little bit down because I will keep everything to myself. For now and on I hope the internet connection works better. I have a lot to update but I'm running out of words. I guess I've lost my writting mojo.

p/s : I just back from Indonesia, and the new arrival is here. I'll update everything as soon as possible. Don't missed to look at my blogshop. Love all ya :) 


yuyueyuliana said...

take care dear <3

hazanis said...


NH said...

yuyu : u too dear :)

hazanis : thank you pretty :)

cik nur said...

hehehe sama la dengan nur more to twitter right now hehehe

NH said...

cik nur : follow twitter yaya tak? heks :D