Thank You Followers

March 9, 2011

Hello Wednesday :)

No matter how ugly you think you're, there's always someone out there who thinks you're beautiful. No matter how shits and worthless you feel, there's out there who you mean the world to. No matter how many flaws you have, to one person you are perfect. No matter how much you think love is bullshit and there's no one that loves you, there is. There's someone who's waiting for the perfect chance to tell you. Someone who's always there for you. Someone who loves you even more than you love yourself. So don't give up hope. You'll find them one day :) - source

p/s : Happy 1year & 6months. Alhamdulillah :) Terima kasih sayang for everything. Hearts you! ♥


Faa Maryanne said...

happy anniversary !! ;) feewiit

gie-ah said...

epy 1yrs 6Month anniversary ye korunk....:)

ezy eizyanie said...

happy 4 u dear!

NH said...

thank you all ;))