Thank You Followers

February 9, 2011

No other, Fariz :)

While writing this entry, tune into Ungu - Tercipta Untukku
Happy 1year 5months. Alhamdulillah, we get through together until this level. Thank you for being the man I always knew u could be. Thank you for being such a wonderful man for me. This is our life that we make it. No matter what, we still strong for each other. And alhamdulillah, Ya Allah. Berdoa semoga our relation di berkati, dirahmati and diredhai serta di jauhi segala perkara yang tidak baik. InsyaAllah. May Allah SWT bless us. Thank you again :)

Oh oh this picture is so funny. He said that me looks more nerd than before. How dare u cakap mcmtu kat I. But neverminddd. I love to be such a nerd person. HAHA! Without the specs nanti u kena jadi driver I all the time. Mahu? Tak mahu kan? Plus I rase everything I kena buat sendiri kot. U jauhhh, so I really need this specs. And Hi! I'm NERD! Love it yawww! No biggie :)

I love you like no other Fariz :)
♥ ♥ ♥


Nadira Nasarauddin said...

nice! moga jodoh kalian berpanjangan. amiin!

NH said...

insyaAllah. thanks nadiraaa :)

Anonymous said...


hohoho het nerdy gurl~~
somel kan betty jr. ini??
nice one!
aah baru nampak jalan dgn terangnya kan??
suluhi hidup anda(^.^)
bwk kereta elok2 ya <3

NH said...

thank you awak! ;))