Thank You Followers

September 9, 2011

Our Day, Our Journey. I'm Blessed :)

Hye, assalamualaikum dear my love Fariz ,

HEY HEY HEY its 09 09 2011, Friday  laahh awakk. Cer teka cer teka? Hihi :)  "saje amik mood jap" 

Firstly I want to say happy masuk tahun yang kedua. We're officially 2 years! What a long journey kan? Tapi takdalah long mana kan? But alhamdulillah still, I know bukan senang nak get until this stage. Well, thanks for everything. Thanks for accepting me the way I am. Well, u know what I feel now, I rasa benda ni macam miracle cos cepat sangat masa berlalu. Its been 2 years, I can't believe it. But I feel so thankful, alhamdulillah for everything. Am the lucky one to have YOU in my life. Thanks for being such a lovely person in my life. Makin hari makin chenta, makin hari makin sayang, makin hari makin bahagia. Berdoa semoga Allah mengekalkan kebahagiaan ini sehingga ke akhir hayat kami. InsyaAllah, Amin.. I just hope that both of us will maintain our path together, no matter what obstacle may comes to us soon, InsyaAllah.. 

Actually dear, there's a lot of things I want to wrote, say. And this is just less than a quarter of it tau. It'll took me a years to finish it. My dear, thanks for doing stuff for me. You're one and only for me. I'm so grateful I meet you and fall deeply in love with you. I'm happy to be with you and I hope you'll feel the same way too. I'm sorry about my mistakes, I mean look what I've done to you dear. Sulk, sensitive, emotional and whatsoever. Kesian awak nak pujuk me bagai. I know that's my weakness. Sorry dear. Hee, that's now remember I'll always love you with all of my heart. Last but not least, I had thanked for all things that you've done for me. Thanks yaw! Me love you ;) 

With you I have been blessed. Alhamdullilah. Bye kurus jerangkong! Hiks <3







Surprisingly, I got this from him. Awwhh, this is shooo shweetsss and so menganjengs okaaay! Nampak sangat suruh kita rajin exercise bagi kurus macam dia. Ahaha.. Thank youu and I love it :) 



Cherrie Pie Sweety said...

semoga awak n ayiz bahagia hingga akhir hayat sayang, amin ;)

NH said...

sayang : thank you so much my dear cherrie.. u too k, tak sabar ur wedding next month ;) kan kan ;)

Miss Y@sMin said...

cute la akak~~
hope bkekaln smpai bla2...

NH said...

yasmin : aminnn, sama sama doakan ye.. tp, akak tadelah cute. haha :)

Anonymous said...



hope n sentiasa berdoa supaya hubungan kita diberkatiNya..
mohon petunjukNya utk jalan kebahagiaan serta kejayaan kami..
dan semoga perhubungan ini disenangi semua pihak..
sama2 kita doakn k wak ;p

thx being a goodgirl!!~


Syaheera Abd Wahab said...

awak berdua mmg serasi bersama n sy doakan hubungan kekal selamanya! Love u yaya! ;)

NH said...

syeera : thank you syeera, love you too bestie ;) btw, ayiz kirim salam kat u. dia ada comment kat my post yang wedding ur sister tu.. :) <3

Anonymous said...

Such a nice thing to read. That'is seriously so sweet ya!:D Anyway Congrats to both of you! happy you guys are so lovey :) kawen nanti cekodok cekodok I tau! :) tahu tak cekodok tu apa? ;p

NH said...

zeera : thank you for the sweetness wishes too dear.. haha, cekodok? cekodok pisang? hmm, haha tatau. memacamlah gha ni.. ;p

Anonymous said...

cekodok cekodok tu jemput jemput lah kite. haha!

Anonymous said...

wahh seronok tgk korang epy je..mudah2an bkekalan... (^_^)v
nadia,dgr cite ade org yg bsuk hati kat ko,aku ade ckit psanan utk org tu..

cik atie,sy xtau la ape mslh awak ni kan,sibuk2 je nak tentukan hidup org lain,sy da kenal nadia lbih 10taun,kalo die tluka sy pun tkena gak tmpiasnye..agak2nyer awak ni da xde keje lain ke?sy tau nadia ni mcmana orgnye..die tau la nak pkir mane yg baik atau x.ayis pun selama sy kenal die pun ok je..lgpun xde mnusia yg perfect la cik atie ooii..sian awak ni kan..

nadia,saba je ye..jgn layan org yg ade masalah mental mcmtu..haha..

*kwn dunia akhirat*

NH said...

zeera : okay okay, insyaAllah :)

asiah : thank you dear friend. takpa, aku tak kisah pun. close friend know me well. nak cakap apapun takpa, maybe bf or suamy dia ustaz alim ulama' kot. Hihi :) Layankan saje. I kan artis u ols. U tatau ke? :)

Anonymous said...

haha...yela ko kan meletuppss mcm artis..tu yg org dengki..wakakaka..ape2pun kita enjoy n happy jahh!! hehee.. ^_^

*kwn dunia akhirat*