Salam. Hye Bloggers. Happy Tuesday! I've been thinking about posting this entry for a whole week. I'm not even sure how to express this thought. My heart so uncomfortable but I have to tell this. This is really caught my attention. What is the originality? Originality means u be yourself. Don't copied other people stories, other words, other lifestyle and bla bla bla. Just be yourself. I'm truly believe that everyone have their awesome lifestyle and anything. I know this is general topic that all of us face like everyday. Should I call you copycats? :|
Honestly I'm not good writer, especially in English Language. But I love writing. That's why I'm blogging. I try my very best and just be myself. "Either people love to read your blog,or even like you or not just be yourself. Forget about other unimportant things. They mean nothing to you." Keep this words. I'm here not to judge anyone but just create your own way with your own words and be yourself. Why should live in someone else world and not create your own, right? :)
For me life without blogger are just like having in a jungle or would be nothing. And writing has been a way for me to let out those feelings that I can't tell anyone. When I can't express my hidden thoughts or just say whatever comes into my head at the moment, or my daily routines. I might be a little bit down because I'll keep everything to myself. But blogging is just the way I can express it. But not for all :))
yup!! thats true dear..
just believe urself..
doing whatever u want,forget the others,being urself happier~~
asal kita puas, suka, happy kan awak?? ;p
lantak laa kalau org nak jelous ke,xsuka ke..
janji kita HAPPY selalu ;p
cheer ueself!!(^,^)
u know i'm writing for who kan? she's so annoying laa. i geram, tapi bila pikir balik. tak dapat apa layan org mcmtu. just kesian dgn dia. wanna be my friend? lol ;)
aah..pity her ;p
lntak la ya org mcm tu..
xada paedahnya ;p
kita rilex2 sajew~~ ;p ;p
haha wanna be uf BFF??
sgt menganjeng~~;p
isk awak ni negative jer. i ikhlas neh. lol ;) i dunno what she really want from me actly. attention seeking, oh not gud :|
mcm i ckp ya,benda ni ya buat tak tau je..
ya nak layan ke org mcm tu?
xperlu kan??
byk lagi benda yg nk difikirkan kan??
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