Thank You Followers

March 31, 2011

I Miss Blogging

Hey girls! Readers! Oh I miss writing a lot, but I don't seem to have it in me these day. Maybe I wasn't in a good mood to write and I think now is the right time to write. But just a little bit note from me. There's only one word "I miss blogging, blogers and readers" so much. Haha. That's all. Meaningful tak? ;p Well, I feel I've been absent from this blog for awhile. My apologies to regular readers. I spent a lot of my time with family. I've been extremely busy with something and something :) Nanti we cerita details in my next post entry yah, InsyaAllah :)

I miss enche boyfie :'(

p/s : My mood has been pretty pretty much okay today really. Alhamdulillah :)
Btw, goodbye March and welcome to April. April? Wheww, me likey ♥

March 27, 2011

Tralalala :)

It's all about pinkish :) The hottie pinkish.
I'm love it :)

LOMO Camera.

p/s : sakit perut :| . oh manusia macammacam ragam :p

March 24, 2011

Random Thoughts :)

Never hate those people who are jealous of you but respect their jealousy because they are the ones who think you are better than them. I can be your friend, your worst enemy, the girl of your dream. It all depends on how you treat me. Because life's about creating yourself :) So create your own beautiful life. So dear whoever read this, I hope that you can be one of my good friend, you're never alone, and that somebody out there loves you more than you will ever know. No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Sometimes when the person delete u from his/her life that doesn't mean they hate you, but they just feel better when you're not around them :) And when u feel you're not important to a person, take other initiative to move away. Not because they hate you, or what they had realized that is he/she's not happy with you, and there's no reason for you to stay and hold on :) Be positive, so smile. Just smile :)

P/s : Suddenly feels like.. I want one this polaroid camera for myself laa. Anyone here care want to belanja me? :D Let me know what you think about this camera :) Ada orang kata membazir, but I rasa mcam nak ada satu no matter what the reason it is la kan? At least ada satu. HAHA :)

March 21, 2011

It was a HOT day, but AWESOME :)

Hot hot hot. What a hot weekend. Semalam jejalan dengan my cousins and aunty. Cadangnya nak ke hot air balloons tapi disebabkan ramai org and tix sangat limited so simpan saje hasrat nak diawangan kan? Dah dua kali hot air balloons buat kat Putrajaya, but I yang penduduk tetap kat sini pom belum pernah naik laghik. Terukkan? Alaa, takpa lagipon tengok haritu hot balloons tu tak naik tinggi pom and cuaca sangat panas. Seriously, boleh hitam legam kalau lelama kat sana. Eventho tak dapat nak naik hot air balloons tu, kitaorang naik cruise sajee. Seronok jugak, (pujuk hati) sumore ada discount. HAHA! Btw, this is my second time naik Cruise Putrajaya. Bestlah jugak, sapa belum penah naik try la ;p

candid by adik
my cousin's nadira :)
adik yang baik selalu menemani kakaknya :)
ke kakak yang menemani adiknya? lol :p
my aunty and her family :)
okay, jom balikkk :)

March 20, 2011

Im touched :)

Oh, kekandakuww! Senyommm je dengar lagu neh. Penantian selama 4tahun akhirnya terjawab yea awak? Haha. I'm spechless, I'm touched, appreciated you and it's so meaningful :) Okay kerenduan dengan awak yang teramat. We are still enjoying life together without pedulikan apa org nak kata. Life's free, so do whatever we want, but as long as got a limit :) Tido malam ni mimpi indah, senyom jer. yeay!! :) Alhamdulillah ^___^

p/s : VC ni best. Penyanyi dia pom best, lebih kurang same je awak kuruskurus tinggi yea. Takpalah, badan takda isi takpa. Yang penting hati ada isi okeng? "Walau berjauhan, suaramu mengakhiri penantian, tabah mengharungi cinta, semua dugaan yang maha Esa". Cool song. Okay I shuke. Likes likes likes. Tqvm :) Nites ♥

Kekanda + Adinda . Awww! :)
p/s : abaikan spec tu. haha..

March 19, 2011

S e r e m b a n

Malam semalam ada kenduri bacaan yassin untuk wan and atok yaya sebabnya lately ni dorang asyik saket saje. So our family pikir nak buat sikit kenduri bacaan yassin. Met with wan, atuk, cousins, aunties, uncles and all relatives. It was fun! We talked, update about each other's life, took pictures. They're all hilarious and the food was superb. We arrived around 7 pm and got home at 12. Super tired, but fun :)

Random Photos ;

lepas susun makan satooo ;p
angah and kamila .
cousin :)

Bond Malaysia

Date : 18th of March 2011
Time : 11.53am
Location : Jalan Kuching
Listening : One In a Million by Neyo

Happy Weekend Everyone! Semalam me with my little sister having tutti frutti at Solaris, Dutamas. This is unplanned actually, sebab cerita sebenarnya kena amik adik I yang sorang lagi kat Selayang. So, pepagi lepas breakfast siap terus. Then ttbe rasa macam nak bertuts fruts kan? Since lama tak dapat, so on jelaah. Alangalang my adik pon cuti sekolah. Bawaklah dia jejalans jupp. Tapi cuti sekolah ni berjalan jugak kerja dia. Ada je plan dengan kekawan.. So end pcerita pasal tuts fruts and bla bla bla. But ada one part yang buat I rasa nak tergelak kejaplah. On my way from Solaris to Selayang, tengah borak dengan adik dalam kete, tetibe kereta semua slow. Halamak, okay ada road block! And kereta I kena tahan, yes lah :) Yes. Seronok. Padahal dalam hati cuak jup. Sebab ya tau ya buat salah. Haha. I tengok kiri kanan semua lelaki yang drive, lori siap. And I sorg driver perempuan yang ditahan. Encik Bond suruh turunkan tingkap, and dia cakap "dik, ko bawak laju sangat ni dik, nak kemana lajulaju. Sambil senyum gatal". Actually I kena tahan dengan polis trafik akibat memandu melebihi had laju yang ditetapkan. Nasib ya pemandu yang berhemah memakai seatbelt. Alaa, tak laju pon sebenarnya. Tapi polis tu sajeee jee. Had laju tak boleh melebihi 80km/h, tapi I bawak 93km/h jea -_-. Tak laju kan? Sikit je beza dia tu. Ngengadah! Tapi alhamdulillah, kita tak kena saman. Hoyeaaah! Enche Bond just mintak lesen, then dia suruh jalan sambil dia buat muka gatal. I rasa dia nak check I pakai seatbelt ke tak. Gedik punya abg bond. Sempat laghik interview itu ini. Orang nak cepat memacams pulak soalan dia kan? I've no time for you lah Enche Bond! Apapun terima kasih yea enche bond, terlepas lah yaya dari saman. Hehe :) Sebenarnya ni first time ya kena tahan polis tau. Seronok, nak kena tahan lagi without saman. HAHA! :D

muka kuning? erks? :|

p/s: nanti kejap lagik i updated kenduri bacaan yassin di Seremban pulak :)

March 18, 2011

Stay Positive :)

Don't envy anybody. Every person has something no one else has. Develop that one thing in yourself and make it outstanding.

If you’re alone, I’ll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I’ll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I’ll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I’ll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I’ll just be me. I believe that good things take time. Gud nites then :)

March 13, 2011

Happy Sunday!

Keep falling in love and smiling all the time when I heard this song. Thank you my love :)
Last but not least ILY :')

March 12, 2011


Salam. Happy Weekend everyone. And not to forget Happy School Holiday! Seronok lah my sister cuti sekolah. Hihi :DD. So yesterday, I had a very super simple dinner date. I love it. Syg asked me to choose the venue for us to have dinner. There's a lot of variety of food in Kuala Lumpur. Heaven food. But suddenly I feel like want to dinnet at this one place. Very memorable place for me. Evntho it's just like gerai makan. But so memorable. I said to him that I wanna eat chicken chop at this restaurant somewhere at damansara. He gave me this weird expression at first because he actually wanna take us dinner at somewhere else because he want to celebrate our monthly anniversary but he finally said okay. Anything for you as long as you happy. Hahaha. Sorry and thank you awak. And thank you so much. There's nothing special with the chicken chop or the restaurant actually. But he knew why, hee. The only reason I wanna eat at that restaurant is because the restaurant is where we had our special moments years ago. When we first met and know each other. Ah, I still remember that moments. Still fresh in my mind. I'm super happy! We eat and talk and laugh non-stop while grabbing a bite to eat. Dan saya tapau makanan saya sebab tak habis lagi banyak sangat cakap. Bahaha :)

muka tak puas hati bila nak cakap dia nak cakap. grrrr :|
when is my turn? durh! :)

After that, we went to hartamas. Untuk apa lagi, social life laa haha. Shisha, meet some friends there. You know what, on our way to hartamas I eat my meal, the one I tapau sebab tak habis tadi tuu. Aahaha. Annoying kan? Actually I'm super kaki makan, makan banyak tapi dalam kuantiti sikit. Maksudnya, once makan akan cepat kenyang. Dan bila cepat kenyang akan cepatlah laparnya balik kans?. Lol . Overall, even kat mana kita makan, kita spend our quality time with him. itu lebih membahagiakan dari yang lain. makan kat manamana pon boleh ikut kemampuan, tapi the moment kita bersama dgn org yang kita syg lebih bermakna dr segalanya kan. ceits, Haha. Buut it's the truth :) Thank you again sayang for everything. Even that was just one date, but I'm so happy and it was memorable! ;)

My dear syg, thank you for the dinner, the cuppycakes, the time, the sweet love, and everything. More important things, thank for the lovely portrait picture. Till we meet dating again. Take care dear and have a safe journey :) With full of ♥

March 10, 2011

Short Gediks Update

rendu : zaman braces penuh dimulut. senyom sajeeee ;)

Wohoooo. Harini feeling sangat baik. Rase nak senyom je sampai ke telinga. eheks, walaupun semalam mood tak berapa baik, alhamdulilah.. harini Allah bagi satu feeling yg super cool :) btw, I can't wait for this coming friday. Hoyeahh, tomorrow! Esok kuar mau pakai baju apa? Oh ini lah part yang paling tak best sekali. Nak decide mcam nak buat keputusan kawen. Padahal pakai baju apapon apa ada hal kan? Gedik sajee. haha. ceit :|

p/s : Darlings. Okeh, actually ada yang minta yaya tips cane nak pakai shawl and pashmina. Oh actually saya mmg tidak reti nak buat toturials ni. Sorry. But u guys can ask me personally. InsyaAllah I will share with u guys, okeng? And, if sesiapa yang perasan entry yaya before this ada cakap pasal nak sell all my old clothes kan? Nampaknya sambutan dan respond sangatsangat alhamdulillah. Super positive. Tapi saya masih 50-50 lagi. Nak kena bincang with my mom and sissy first, heks! One more thing any garage sales yang korang tahu tak? Sebab before this garage sales hartamas I dah missed. That time tak terpikir pon nak jual bajubaju lama neh. If anyone tahu let me know yeh. thankies :) Okeh tak tahu nak bebel apa lagi. Mahu tido. Nites darlings ♥ :)

March 9, 2011

Lovers Vs Haters

Entry kali ni memang agak pedih sikit yeh. And I tau if bukan I pon ramai laghik bloggers or sesiapa saje pernah berdepan masalah macam ni. But this is my notes. So beware, this post may contains harsh words. I've warned you. Hehe. Freedom of writing. To silent killer, stalker, readers I hope after this you'll be happy ever after okay. U got your freedom to comments your crappy stuff about my posts and I got my f r e e d o m to write what the hell I want. So fair and square right. Pity you sangatsangat. Comment la laghik lepasni okay? :)

Here this my darlings, this is my blog. I speak my mind. Whatever comes in mind. This blog give me the freedom of writing. To express my feelings, my whereabouts and all those crap. I find writing enjoyable now. Nothing can stop me from writing. So simple said kalau tak suka baca blog aku, tak payah banyak bunyik. Tade sapa suruh kau baca okay?

Some people like us, some people hate us. That's life, deal with it. And there are also some people who always wait for our new posts and can't wait to send hate comments about it and search for our faults. The funniest part is, they never look at their faults, they just see the bad sides of ourselves. I don't understand when someone send hate comments about my posts. I mean, if you don't like me, why did you read it? LOL! What is your point? You stalk me, you hate me, you follow me, you copy me. You copy me? Please be your originality. You keep searching for my faults. Honey, buy a mirror and see the reflection. Is it nice to talk bad things about people? Stop being immature la, life is too short to be anything but happy. Do you think I feel sad, down or angry when I read your stupid comments? Eh, I just sit there and laughing my ass off. I think you're the funniest, most immature and lifeless bitch I've ever known in my entire life.

I know who you are, I have prove. I'm surprised, because at the end of the day, I don't feel angry or hate about you. But I'd pity you. Nak kawan cakap jelah ok? Berkawan terbuka untuk semua orang, tapi bukan dengan cara camni. You're such an attention seeker, what a pathetic life you're living in! SHAME. ON. YOU. I'm just a normal human being. I'm just an ordinary girl. I'm curious lah, kenapa kalau pakai tudung tak boleh buat ni, tak boleh buat tu. Senang cite camni lah, kau pikir dosa kau, aku pikir dosa aku. Senang kan? Hahaha. This is my life. Who are you to decide my life? I never ask for your opinion or advice. I'm not your robot ok, I'm just me. I am who I am and your approval isn't needed. So go and mind your own business. Nobody's perfect okeh. Well, I got life to live. It's free, you should have one. GET A LIFE! LOVERS GONNA LOVE, HATERS GONNA HATE! " Sometimes, a person hates you because they want to be like you, they admire you and they hate themselves because don't get a beautiful life like you "

P/S: Hah sape yang terasa jangan la marah ok. Sebab sesiapa yang buat mende ni je akan marah. If u're not why bother kan? Ini sekadar luahan perasaan, u can express yours too. There's no problem with that. No hate please. Thank you luangkan masa membaca entry kali neh. Learn from your mistake. This is life, shits always happen. Have a great life. Semoga Allah merahmati you selalu. Amin :)

Hello Wednesday :)

No matter how ugly you think you're, there's always someone out there who thinks you're beautiful. No matter how shits and worthless you feel, there's out there who you mean the world to. No matter how many flaws you have, to one person you are perfect. No matter how much you think love is bullshit and there's no one that loves you, there is. There's someone who's waiting for the perfect chance to tell you. Someone who's always there for you. Someone who loves you even more than you love yourself. So don't give up hope. You'll find them one day :) - source

p/s : Happy 1year & 6months. Alhamdulillah :) Terima kasih sayang for everything. Hearts you! ♥

March 8, 2011

T h a n k i e s s s !

For my dear follower. This is the real for u guys.
Firstly I know my blog followers taklah seramai u guys. Sebab blog I bored. Hehe. But I do appreciate it. So if you don't mind share la link blog url korang, so that kita boleh exchange story and whatsoever kan. Janganlah malumalu nak tegur or jadi silent reader sajeee. Okay? Sebab ada yang follower I, I tak berapa kenal. Tuptup dah jadi follower I. Btw, thankssss! Jadi dengan itu, marilah kita rapat, mampatkan laghik tali silaturrahim sesama kita gituww. Itukan lebih baik. The more the merrier eh :) Thank You again. And for new followers,
HYE! :) I'm YAYA :)

p/s : I've been thinking about selling my old clothes. Old but pretty. Hmmp :)

March 7, 2011

Well done :)

Sorry and byebye MU, lol .
lastnite result
LV - 3, MU -1

March 6, 2011

m e m b e b e l ;)

Another lazy Sunday evening. I'm feeling lazy and can't be bothered to get out of the nice bed. Sleeping is bliss. But I have to get myself ready somehow. Omg, seriously so bad habit attitude. I was thinking that I have to tell my mom to buy some foods. I need to go to the grocery store, because here running out of food. I can't live without eating. Ada potensi untuk gemuk neh.

Cakap pasal gemuk. Okay ramai orang yang berbadan besar, atau berat badan cepat naik suka mengamalkan konsep diet. Okay for me, diet is good actually. But korang just kena limitkan apa yang korang makan. I mean, makan memang tetap kena makan. Cuma jangan berlebihan. Dan makanan yang kita makan perlulah seimbang. Janganlah eventho korang tak makan the whole day, but the next of the day korang makan mak ai tak beringat. Kan? So sama je konsep dia. So that, bila waktu makan perlu makan. Ambil kuantiti yang sedikit. Nanti dah sibuk nak diet diet, nahh kau gastrik pulak kan? Bila dah kena gastrik, kenalah makan banyak nak covered up balik. Satu hal penyakit jugak nanti. Ehehe. Eating is pleasure weh. So just enjoyyyyy it :) Terima kasih kerana membaca bebelan saya :)

Highly Recommended :)

Hye folks! Hye darling. Happy Sunday! Oh semalam pergi ke SSF, Puchong. I sampai seawal pagi, jam 10 pagi I kat sana dah. Super awal kan? Haha. Pergi awal boleh balik awal :) So piccy piccy first before masuk. Mak pon layankan sajee. Haha. Btw, this is my3rd time pergi sana. Just three of us, mak, angah and me. I suka pegi sini, very superb place. Rambang mata, susah nak buat pilihan sebab all their stuff very very super cantik. Tapi alhamdulillah semua barang yang di cari selesai. Happy sikit :))

I tahu and I'm sure that ramai yang dah tau tentang SSF ni. Dia lebih kurang macam IKEA. But dia sikit saje expensive dari IKEA. So, kepada sesiapa yang belum pernah pegi lagi ke SSF ni, try la pegi. Banyak boleh cari kat sana dari, home deco, flowers, home accessories, untuk accessories kawin pon ada. I takda banyak pics especially kat dlm tu. Sebab tak boleh amik gambar. But curik curik jugak. Heks :)) So darlings, dreaming of have a new looks for your home? Especially girls here is your place. Now u can realize your dream come true. The new home deco shopping experience. What are you waiting for? Wah I macam promote pulak kan? Hehe, but seriously super best, awesome! Highly recommended :)

I just love my mom sooo much! :)
People always said that my kakak is my adik. Well, issokay I'm fine with it ;DD

March 4, 2011

B r a c e s

Braces? Eh sakit tak pakai braces? Braces tu apa? Jom berkongsi ilmu sedikit. Dalam bahasa melayu nya adalah pendakap gigi yang akan mendakap gigi kita supaya menjadi lebih teratur, tersusun. Bunyi dia mcam best, bagus je kan? Okay actually ada kebaikan dan keburukkan memakai braces ni.

Okay di awal pemakaian braces usually korang akan rase sangatsangat tidak selesa. Mulut penuh sehingga sukar untuk menemukan bibir atas dah bawah. Okay pakai braces ni nak cerita mcm annoying sikit but I nak share jugak with you guys. Sebab yelah braces ni benda yang agak "erk" sikit. Sebab berkaitan dengan gigi kan? Hee. Dah ready nak baca belum ni? Hahahaha. Siapa nak pakai braces lepasni mesti fikir banyakkali. Hahaha. Saje jee, usik u guys :)

Okay, di awal pemakaian braces kebiasaannya u guys akan rasa sangatsangat tidak selesa. Mulut terasa penuh sangat. Perhubungan antara bibir bawah dan atas sukar untuk bertemu akibat penghalang braces. Hahaha. Okay pada sesiapa yang ada masalah gigi super terabur, jarang, gigi yang mancung, masalah menguyah ataupun masalah susah nak bersihkan, nasihat I its better u pakai braces dan silalah kumpul duit untuk memakai braces. Sebab cost untuk pakai braces dalam (rm3K, 4K, until rm7K pun ada). But if you guys nak pergi ke hospital kerajaan boleh murah je cost dia dalam rm500. Tapi tu masa i survey dulu, now I dunno how much government charge. Tapiii, murah mmg murah kan? Yang tak bestnya korang melanguk tunggu waiting list dia yang sampai berapa tahun baru akan sampai turn korang. Best kan? Besttt sangat! Lol. So better if u guys kumpul duit and pakai private saje. Sebab once u guys decide pakai braces duit permulaan biasanya kena bayar dalam rm1,500. Dan selepas tu, every dentist appointment baru korang bayar rm150 mcamtu. Sampailah korang selesai bukak braces :) So even dia mahal bukan kena bayar terus rm4K mcmtu. Dan pakai braces ni ada proses nak ketatkan besi. So that u guys kena pilih tempat yg mudah dan efisyen, kalau ada gap masa jumpa doktor instead of setiap 2minggu jadi setiap bulan, kira lambatlah nak straight gigi tuh. Mesti pelik tengok gambar bawah ni kan? Hmmp :| Jom sambung cerita laghik. Scroll down :

Okay obviously, how do I know all this? Okay, I pernah pakai braces before this. Ingat gigi I semulajadi tersusun rapi sebegini? Oh tidak, tidak! And memang takk! Kalau old friends and readers yang dah lama baca blog I tahulah I pernah pakai or tak before this :) Kenapa I pakai braces? Haha. Soalan cepu emas neh. Okay before this gigi I agak tidak tersusun rapi. Dua gigi rabbit di hadapan berselisih sedikit. So sebab I rasa kurang keyakinan diri I dapat nasihat yang positif dari parents I sendiri. And dorang offer I supaya pakai braces. "No alang, you've to messed up your teeth now. So finally I say yes! :) Dan gambar bawah ni adalah hasil selepas I bukak braces. And alhamdulillah I puas hati dengan hasilnya. Now I kena pakai "retainer" saje :) Chup, kena cabut gigi ker? Yes, I kena cabut 4 batang gigi. Scary tak dengar? Takdalah sakit, hehe :)

So now hilanglah rasa kegelian bila hendak makan sebelum ni dan sangat berbaloi. Dan kini sudah boleh senyum lebar tanpa segan silu. Dulu masa muda dulu, selalu gelak tutup mulut macam annoying gila. Tapi sekarang dah happy, tayah control control. Haha :)

So kalau ada yang masih dalam dilema nak pakai ataupun tidak sila lah buat keputusan yang bijak untu hasil yang memuaskan dan berbaloi seumur hidup :) Tapi kena ada displin diri, banyakkan minum susu dan makanan yang boleh menguatkan gigi. Anddd, selepas bukak braces jangan lupa displin kan diri pakai retainer. Kalau tak sia sia je usaha selama ni. Duit ibarat buang macam tu saje. So fikir fikir kan, dan selamat beramal. Haha :)

p/s :Jawapan pada perenggan pertama tadi. YES, pakai braces sakit. Tapi seriously best pakai braces. Good experience :)

@Rasta TTDI

oh. today i just spend my time @rasta with them :
ezy, ezy's sister, my sister's sabrina, jaja, wanie, bob :)

makan, gelak dan kongsi. Bak kata pizza hut Eat, Laugh & Share ;))