Thank You Followers

February 28, 2011

This picture inspired me :)

I wish I can get a room like this. Feel like cursing. So sweet, soft, lovely, romantic. I kinda like this off white, soft red, pink and purple colors and attracted to light and night too. This is some of room decoration has inspired me to want to redecorate my room and do something a bit similar. I mean the combination of colors and super awesome wardrobe, lights, flower. Just a bit. Mom! Can I decorate my room just a little bit like this. Hee :))

all pictures it is just super cool. omg :) I love and I wanted those colors of this room. As I browse to my friend's Tumblr, I saw a lots of photos about this bedroom and its caught my attention.

bilik pengantin macam ni oh super sweeet. Soft, off white. me likey :D
love it ;)
I don't really love this type of room actually . But okay laa for bilik bujang. Ahaha :)
And this too also. I just love the pink and purple combination colors.
twinkle twinkle bedroom. look more romantic. super likey :)

February 27, 2011


weekend lepas girls day out with my mom and my sister. just three of us. and abah kemudiannya datang join sekejap saje. ada hal katanye. So kiteorang turun kl, carik "something". we went to jalan conley. So finally, alhamdulillah dapat carik "something" tuw. Seriously canteks angah, I just love it the tone of that colors :) Atas bantuan abah semuanya canteks belake ;))

I just love flower so much. Okay nothing to updated actually. And yesterday me, angah, mak and abah pegi ke nilai 3. Jejalan, cuci mate sajeks! Lepas beli barangbarang yang patut then cari tempat makan. Tapi malangnya takda tempat makan yg best kat sana. So we guys decide balik rumah and makan dirumah saje. Lagi sodap lauk kat rumah. Ehehe :) So angah, I hope u happy. We almost done. InsyaAllah. So let's move on to the next level. I'm such ur good PA right? Haha :DD . Daymn u, please pay me lah. HAHA! :)

Dear angah hope you had fun and captured few fun moments today in your heart.
I love you so much :)

p/s : harini mood boreddd :((

True love not only accepts things that have happened, but also the things that will happen, and things that will never happen.

February 26, 2011

Which birthday are you in?


Loves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves to takes things at the centre. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn’t pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Brave and fearless. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care to control emotions. Unpredictable.
Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND sexiest of them MFE.

Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. sexiest out of everyone.A real speed demon. Has more than one best friend. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions. Resend this in 5 min. and you will talk to someone new and realize that you are a perfect match. ♥

Drop dead gorgeous!!! Attractive personality. Very sexy!!. Affectionate & Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Chatterbox! Loves to talk alot! Loves to get their way! . Unbelievable kisser! Easily angered. Very stubborn in the most way possible! Loves to get noticed! Willing to take risks for others. Makes good choices. Has a great fashion sense! Maybe a little too popular with others . Outgoing and crazy at times! Intelligent. Can sometimes be a heartbreaker! Can love as much as possible! Hates insults. Loves compliments! A very big flirt!and quiet the charmer. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. The best in bed out of the other 11 months!! Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Observant and assesses others.likes to keep theyre crushes kinda secret.pretty much flawless If you repost this in the next 5 mins, you will meet your new love in 8 days.

Suave and compromising.. Funny and humorous. Stubborn. Very talkative. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal. Does work well with others. Very confident. Sensitive.. Positive Attitude. Thinking generous. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Able to cheer everyone up and/or make them laugh. Able to motivate oneself and others. Understanding. Fun to be around. Outgoing. Hyper. Bubbly personality. Secretive. Boy/girl crazy. Loves sports, music, leisure and travelling. Systematic.. Hot but has brains. If you repost this in 5 mins, a cutie that’s caught your eye will introduce themselves and you will realize at
you are very much alike in the next 2 days.

Hella sexy, loves sex n making luv, tends to be SOOOOO hott!! Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people’s problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Usually you have many friends. Enjoys to make love. Emotional. Stubborn. Hasty. Good memory. Moving, motivates oneself and others. Loves to travel and explore. Sometimes sexy in a way that only their lover can understand. if you do not repost this in the next 5 mins. someone very close to you will become mad at you in the next 8 days.

Fun to be with. Loves to try new things. Boy/girls LOVE you. You are very hott. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takesrep pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people’s feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. spazzy at times.Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover. Repost this in the next 5 mins and your reputation will boost someway in the next 12 day

You’ve got the best personality and are an absolute pleasure to be around. You love to make new friends and be outgoing. You are a great flirt and more than likely have a very attractive partner, a wicked hottie. Like somebody with a JUNE brithday. It is also more likely than that you have a massive record collection. When it comes to films, you know how to pick them and may one day become a famous actor/actress yourself - heck, you’ve got the looks for it!!! IN the next 6 days you will meet someone that may possibly become one of your closest friends, if you repost this in 5 minutes.

outgoing personality. takes risks. feeds on attention. self control. kind hearted. Self confident. loud and boisterous. VERY revengeful. easy to get along with and talk to. has an “every thing’s peachy” attitude. likes talking and singing. loves music. daydreamer. easily distracted. Hates not being trusted. BIG imagination. loves to be loved. hates studying. in need of “that someone”. longs for freedom. rebellious when withheld or restricted. lives by “no pain no gain” caring. always a suspect. playful. mysterious. “charming” or “beautiful” to everyone. stubborn. curious.. independent. strong willed. a fighter. repost in 5 mins and you will meet the love of your life sometime next month.

Loves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves to takes things at the centre. Great in bed. Inner and physical beauty. Doesn’t pretend. Gets angry often. A meaningful love life partner. Makes right choices. Treats friends importantly. Brave and fearless. Always making friends. Does not harm others. It is all about love and fairness. Easily hurt and hard to recover. Daydreamer and does fullfill. Opinionated. Does not care to control emotions. Knows what to do, to have fun. Unpredictable. Someone to have close to you. Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND sexiest of them all. If you repost this in the next 5 minutes, you will kiss the one that you been wanting…

Trustworthy and loyal. Very passionate and dangerous. Wild at times. Knows how to have fun. Sexy and mysterious. Everyone is drawn towards your inner and outer beauty and independent personality. Playful, but secretive. Very emotional and temperamental sometimes. Meets new people easily and very social in a group. Fearless and independent. Can hold their own. Stands out in a crowd. Essentially very smart. Usually, you ever begin a relationship with someone from this month, hold on to them because their one of a kind. Repost in 5 mins & you will excel in a major event coming up sometime this month.

Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Shy towards opposite sex. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck.. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves travelling. Dislike being at home. Restless. having many children. Hardworking. High spirited. If you repost this in the next 5 minutes, you will become close to someone you do not speak to much in the next 4 days.

This straight-up means ur the most good-looking Loyal and generous. Patriotic. Competitive in everything. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Easy to talk to, though hard to understand. Thinks far with vision, yet complicated to know. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots of ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Shy towards opposite sex. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves travelling. Dislike being at home. Restless. having many children. Hardworking. High spirited

p/s : I just got this from my friend's tumblr. Really enjoyed when I read this. So after I had read it all this. Mine is correct :DD And share yours? ;) ♥

February 25, 2011

Abah, you're my inspirations :)

I just go back from Alamanda with my mom and youngest sister. Having Baskin Robbins. Adik teringin nak makan. So bawak kejap, kebetulan my mom nak beli kek untuk celebration hape ntah kat office dia. Hishhish memacams. Hehe :)) So dapat kek balik yea! :D

But... Suddenly cross my mind. i'm thinking about my future life. How's my life will looks like. Oh sangat gelisah bile fikirkan benda ni. I want to be a successful women. And semua org akan fikir benda yang sama kan? Not only depends from someone else. Tak kisah la my parents ke, my future husband ke. I dunno why, but suddenly. There was a night, I almost gave up for my life. Sound's like annoying kan? But this is what I feel in a one long night. It was so hard but in the back of my mind I knew it there had to be a way. I had no idea and I almost gave up. I've cried myself to sleep and I couldn't stop the flood tears flowing down my face.

I guess I feel like everything always goes wrong for me. I feel like I spend my all time trying to change my circumstances and achieve my aspirations and dreams. And I just fail time and time again. Emotionally is taking over my confidently and I'm doubting myself. I can't get my motivation back. I was really down, depressed and upset. Sigh :|

On the same night, I saw my dad's face. Life of businessman is always challenging. And involves many ups and downs. And sometimes we can't always get what we want, and other things will come along while we are focusing on something. But whatever it is, I feel thankful, be grateful to God what He has given us. Alhamdulillah. I realized that my dad had been facing challenging and he never gives up what on God. If my dad gives up, what will happen to my family now? I just can't give up now. I've come too far from where I started from. I need to be inspired and learn how to rebuild my confidence back. I will make him as well as myself proud and I will succeed, Insha'Allah.

I just wrote it down what I feel. Because this is my blog, this is the way I can all out my feelings. So for silent, killer reader please stop negative comments. And I don't mind if you call me loser, obsessed, or even whatsoever. Please stop doing this to me. Saya manusia biasa. And I know I'm not good enough perfect. Just one thing. Jangan sibuk dan amik tahu ttg kehidupan org lain lebihlebih lagi jika kamu krg selesa kepada seseorg. Jangan membenci melulu tanpa kenal siapa dia dan isi hatinya. And please if nak menegur sesuatu ada caranya, kalau salah cara menegurnya sebenarnya kita menegur kelemahan diri kita sendiri. Jadi jangan cepat melatah dengan sesuatu benda. Create yourself. Don't bother other peoples life. If you wanna talk behind of me its okay. And I don't mind. Tapi tak perlu meminta perhatian negatif disini. Attention seeking is just pathetic. Teguran yang membina sangat perlu bagi saya, bukan sebaliknya. Silap semua org buat silap. Bak kata seorang sahabat saya. Tanpa kesilapan, tanpa teguran kita tidak belajar apaapa. Insha'Allah. Allah lebih mengetahui.


February 22, 2011

Thinking About You

. my messy bedroom .

In a short time we spent time together, we had what must people can only dream about and I'm counting the days until I can see you again. Never forget how much I love you, Fariz

Niteynitey all Darlings ♥

Yes, it's for you :)

Happy Tuesday everyone! I'm gonna write about this mudak. I miss this mudak so much. I miss you my boyfie. He's my love, he's my bestfriend. He's everything for me. I already found special person in my life. Someone who change my life just being a part of it. Someone who makes me laugh, cry, crazy until I can't stop almost everyday. Someone who makes me believe in hope. Someone who convinces me to stand up even when the world is going to end. This is forever relationship, forever friendship. When I'm down and the world seems empty, u lift me up in spirit and makes the dark and empty suddenly seem bright and full. If I lose my way u guide me. You see my eyes and u tell me that everything's gonna be okay even when u know its not. When it hurts to look back, and scared to look ahead, I know I can look besides me and you'll always be there. Thank you dear boyfriend, dear bestfriend, and future husband, hopefully. If God will, insyaAllah :) I feel happy and complete because I don't need to be worry. Youre my forever love one and bestfriend and forever has no end. Thank you tau awak. Sorry mood mcam lovelylovely sikit harini. I do seriously miss this mudak ! Heks :DD

awak, awak still ingat tak this pic? zaman doludolu bercintun. heee :DD
nak makan lagi chicken chop black pepper kat situ lagi moleh? T__T

oh yes, I LOVE YOU. enuff said. bye ♥

February 21, 2011

Butter Prawn Shaye :)

Happy Monday. Shume mesti macam tak likes Monday kan? Haha! Harini I super doopar rajen, memasak pulak die yea. Masak utk diri sendiri sajeee. Bangun pagi after breakfast shume basuh kain, kemas buat apa yang patut ttbe rase mcm bosan. Fikir nak main masakmasak. Tapi tatau nak masak apa? So bukak peti ais ada udang. Euww, my favorite. Okay masak udang laa. Then ttbe teringinnn sangat nak makan "butter prawn". So saya masaklah ala ala saya. Sebab nak masak gulai shume dah ada. So elakkan dr membazir buat simple sajeeee. Janji dapat udang. Heks :)) So, ada yang tanya mcam mana resepi "butter prawn" ala ala cincai yaya neh? Okay jom, mari saya ajarkan? Lepasni moleh cuba masak sendiri yea :) Mcam kelas memasak pulop! :)

Bahanbahannya adalah :
udang di buang separuh kulitnya
bawang putih, merah, cili padi (ikut sebnyak mana yg korang shuke, kalau nak lebih pedas bubuh lebih. Tapi pedas baru kaw kann? )
butter and fresh milk (but if pakai susu cair pon oke sajee)
telur, daun kari, dan kobis bunga

So caracaranya pulak :
1 . butter dicairkan
2. tumis bawang merah, putih dan cili padi dan daun kari
3. tumis sampai naik baunya
4. kemudian, bancuhkan telur sebiji dan susu segar. masukkan udang dan tumis sekali bersama bawang tadi dan bancuhan susu dan telur tadi. Gaul sehingga sebati yea. Sampai kekeringan udang tu masak menjadi warna oren kekuningan.
shampailah jadi mcamni ;) kemudian, masukkan garam dan perasa tambahan.
dan, sebagai penambah perisa lagi. yaya bubuh daun basil supaya baunya lebih harum gitu :) dan kobis bunga tadi. Then gaul sehingga sebati, kuah menjadi pekat. Yummy.








As simple as that kan? Try laa :)

P/s : Ini masakan hentam saya. I tau mesti ramai yg kat luar sana dah banyakkali try and tahu resepi ni. Tapi ini sekadar berkongsi dan juge pada rakan yg bertanya di facebook. Hope korang try la resepi yang tek seberapa ni yea. Selamat mencuba ;) Jangan gelakkan yea. Heks :DD

February 19, 2011

Muhasabah Cinta

Lovely Song . Suka part chorus :

Betapa Engkau Menyintai
Agungkan Aku Bagai Seorang Puteri
Selalu Kau Puja Diriku Ini
Melayang Aku Tak Memijak Bumi

Namun Terkadang Ku Rasakan
Apakah Sikapmu Tak Berlebihan
Aku Wanita Tak Sempurna
Bukan Sekilaunya Batu Permata

Marilah Bersama Jalani Cinta Kita Apa Adanya
Saling Mengerti Dan Sudi Menerima
Kita Manusia Biasa
Marilah Menjaga Kesucian Cinta Rahmat Yang Kuasa
Saling Berpadu Hati Untuk Berdua
Dalam Dakapan Mesra

Nikamati Suka Berbagi Duka
Seiring Denganmu Aku Bahagia
Genggam Jemari Dan Berjanji
Setia Selamanya Sampai Akhir Nanti

Inspired Me :)

Masya'Allah. Oh oh this super girl sangat super gorgeous, cool, lovely baby face, fashionable . I bet u guys kenal siapa this girl . HANA TAJIMA , nama yang tak asing lagik. I think you're the great person to admire. I love her cool style. Dah lama upload, perhatikan stylee dia. But di bawah antara fashion style dia yang I adoreeed sangat sangat. She's really inspired me. And you guys too rite! Wheewww. Super duper lawaaa! Cair tengok! Thumbs up! ;DD . Subhanallah, indah sungguh ciptaan Allah SWT ;)

p/s : siapa kata orang bertudung tak boleh berfashion? heks :DD

February 18, 2011

Muhasabah Diri

Woww, finally I have reached 375 followers and another 25 to be 400 followers. Thank God. Thank you reader. What a milestone. Tqvm for following my blog. So, since I ada blog ni. I think it was 2 or 3 years ago. I will tell you guys a bit experience writing this blog and my early life experience. I started writing blog in 2008. I created the blog and I talked about my personal thought, luahkan everything sampai menangis pun ada. Blog is one of my best friend ever. Because this is only the way I can speak, all out everything. Samada in a good or bad experience. So let the brain speak and heart decide. Btw, sorry writing entry I this time mcm rojak sikit. HAHA! I dunno, I just wrote it down. Sorry!

My life is full of the stupid drama. And I'm not going to deal with the drama anymore, so just let it happen. Grow up people. You're not in a high school anymore. Act matured with your age. I can express myself better in writing actually than in talking face to face and I get my emotions feeling over better. Dugaan dalam hidup dan friendship bukan mudah dan menyeronokkan. Maybe I've never had the hardest trial or testing in my life. And friendship but just thinking about some of the things I have endured brings tears to my eyes.

Tak ada siapa dalam dunia ni akan berkata hidup ini mudah. Dan tak ada perkara yang mudah when u want to achieve something. Faith brings strength for coping with life's trials, Insya'Allah. For the past few days, months I have learned to control my temper. I can't control my emotions. And my bf always getting mad at me when I act like this. I couldn't care less how someone's speaks, so I'm just being silent. Being silent doesn't mean that I'm a coward. I'm being silent because I have to prevent myself from dealing with people with a low mentality. Attention seeking is just pathetic. So pathetic. High school drama is overrated. I'm tired of arguing over the small and stupid stuff. I'm letting goof old hate and grudges. I'm forgiving all who have offended me, not for them but for myself.

Why get pissed off when people talk trash? Let them be, the truth will come out in the end and it's not like they are trying to physically hurt you or anything. Be nice to people but be strong at the same time and people will not only respect you but they will like you as well. So if you want people who jaga ur hati dan perasaan, u have to respect them too. " Kalau takda angin, takkan pokok bergoyang" :) So if u get a damn, don't ever asking why why and so on :)

For my family and friends, thank you for always being there for me and supporting me in all the way. Either read it or not, it's doesn't matter. Just want to say thank youuu! I really appreciate it. Readers, have faith to Allah SWT. Hope come when we trust Allah SWT with things we can't understand. Even when we can't see it. He is at work on our life. listening to problems, comforting and healing our heart. Make a du'a, perform solat and insya'Allah. Allah SWT is always with us.
p/s : sorry if entry this time macam rojak -_-

Ohseeemmm ! :)

I was pretty amazed when the first time watch this TV show. And I was thinking that, this is one such a brilliant TV show for kids. I'm sure that korang semua dah tau this reality TV show kan? But I just want to shared some laaa with u guys. Salute them. Maybe we should also have Junior Master chef in Malaysia. Why not kan? Plus I rasa dah banyak kot TV show mcamni, at the end Malaysia buat jugak :) Kids as a chefs? Hurmm, pretty wowww.. The Australian children aged between 6 to 12 years old. Korang banyakkan age mcm dorang ni boleh memasak dengan pro tau. Bukan main masak2 meggi, masak air mcm kita. Haha! Seriously when I watch this TV show I feel ashamed to myself. Haha! ;))

ASTRO , Channel 711 .
the judges, and all the top 12 .
Nick, Cassidy, Jack, Isabella, Sofea, Anthony, Emily, Alex, Lucy, Prierre, Sam, Siena :)
The winner is Isabella. Thumbs up for Isabella. She deserve it. But actually firstly I was thot that Pierre will be the winner. But Isabella cooks delicious, amazing, beautiful and perfect. And she really really really deserve it. I just can't wait for the next season :)

Junior Master Chef Australia Finale, Season 1
pssst! : Actually I dah tengok awal awal kat youtube. Kahkahkah! :)

February 17, 2011

Yeah Thursday !

cake, cheese boleh hilangkan stress. gambar hiasan ;p

Hye bloggers, today I'm just doing nothing. Just like a daily routine, basuh baju, kemas rumah, vakum, main tuchenggg and blogginggg! Hee, I don't know what I'am gonna to write actually. Well now it's almost evening and recently I've been thinking about friendship a lot. It's tearing me apart inside. A lot of unhappy things have happened over the past few days. I'm not going to pretend like it never happened. I don't like and hate arguing with my friends. I've learned a lot from the past. If I was wrong and messed up, I will apologize. What hurts the most is when someone just throw around the sort of harsh word. I'm always feeling down when I think about this over and over again, it's like I don't deserve this kind of treatment. I will remain silent, let the wind blow and leave the past behind. Maybe for some people, when shit happens diaorang akan ignore, ditch and tamo jadi rapat dengan orang tu dah. I'm a different person, I will always forgive and forget and akan stick dengan orang tu no matter how bad my heart is bruised or how much peoples hate me. I'm okay with it. Because one thing I pegang "kita tak sempurna, dan kita tak boleh buat semua orang sukakan kita. Mcam tu juga kita, tak semua orang kita suka dan selesa." Agree with that? Up to u guys, it's just my thought. And I don't like seriously telling my problem to my 'friends' so most of the time, I blog about it or just let it all out here. Lagilagi with someone yang I baru kenal. Maybe sekadar meluahkan perasaan. Biasalah bila dah berkawan ramai bergaul ramai, sometimes maksud kita lain, tapi orang cakap penyampaian tu jadi lain. I'm bet u guys do the same things too.

Lately, I've been annoyed with pretty much everyone. No, scratch that everyone. Some people laaa. And I think it's probably just hormones and whatnot. Someone thinks that everyone feels like this once in a while. People have limitations on how much they can handle. Some people have a low tolerance for ignorance and annoyance. I'm not going to talk withe the person or people about this. Enough is enough. Lazy to talk about this, I want to avoid conflict. I just ignore the people. Forgive and forget. Life goes on.

p/s : Entry ini tidak dituju kepada sesiapa. Sekadar bermuhasabah diri sendiri. Sama2 kita beringat. InsyaAllah :)

February 16, 2011

Why so emo?

I am not being emo or whatsoever sooo fullstop. I would probably be a little bit upset. I'll be fine tomorrow after wake up. I am a very forgetful person indeed. So anything that happened to be recently, will automatically erase from my mind tomorrow. I'm not good enough perfect person and I don't want to be perfect plus there's nobody perfect in this world. If u don't give me a damn, I'll never act like this. And yes, maybe I'am not as good as you. And I'm not as perfect as you. So take it or leave it. I'll treat you as you treat me. Dear Allah please guide me and give me strength to face and carry on.. Amin

Dinnerliciouuuus :)

Salam readers. Makan lagiii. Okay, actually last weekend enche boyfie pulang kl . Ada module class di Uitm, Shah Alam . So alangalang dia balik set date dating kejap . Bf call ajak makan di Bandariya Ayam Kampung , Solaris . So i on sajeeeee. Dah lama tak makan situu . Sesampai jeee terus order :)

tadaaaaa :) fried 'ayam kampung' . The sambal was super awesomee! ;)

Sementara menunggu makanan yg super owsomm tu amik gambar duluuu . Hee , couple sebelah usha je kitaorg amik gambarrr . alaaa chill laa , hehe :)

Okayyy! makanan sudeh sampai . Makan timeee! melelehhh . ;)
Pssstt , actually dating this time with syg stress sikit sebab dia pulang dgn gaya rambut "matrems" . omggg ! no no syg ! pleaseee jgn buat rambut mcam ni lagi . boleh pengsan tau i . haha :) ;p

February 11, 2011

Life's a HIGHWAY :)

This week has been a rough week for me. It's been full of bad news and I feel sad and down but whatever. What happened to me recently is just another test from the Almighty. I must have faith in myself. God gave me faith in myself, not only on days when I'm going great and winning and nothing seems impossible but on days when the whole world looks lousy and I'm losing and the road ahead seems too hard. Nothing can bring me down.

Breaking someone's heart is awful. Mending a broken heart is not an easy task. It requires two BIG words forgive and forget. But people who have broken heart cannot easily forgive and forget, and this makes them feel the heartache more painful. We can play pranks on someone as long as it is a few harmless pranks. When people's feelings are involved then that's not really something anyone should play around with. If we live our life being mean to everyone, we're only going end up lonely. What comes around goes around. Swallow your pride.

February 9, 2011

No other, Fariz :)

While writing this entry, tune into Ungu - Tercipta Untukku
Happy 1year 5months. Alhamdulillah, we get through together until this level. Thank you for being the man I always knew u could be. Thank you for being such a wonderful man for me. This is our life that we make it. No matter what, we still strong for each other. And alhamdulillah, Ya Allah. Berdoa semoga our relation di berkati, dirahmati and diredhai serta di jauhi segala perkara yang tidak baik. InsyaAllah. May Allah SWT bless us. Thank you again :)

Oh oh this picture is so funny. He said that me looks more nerd than before. How dare u cakap mcmtu kat I. But neverminddd. I love to be such a nerd person. HAHA! Without the specs nanti u kena jadi driver I all the time. Mahu? Tak mahu kan? Plus I rase everything I kena buat sendiri kot. U jauhhh, so I really need this specs. And Hi! I'm NERD! Love it yawww! No biggie :)

I love you like no other Fariz :)
♥ ♥ ♥

February 6, 2011

Abah & Along Di Peningkatan Usia ;))

saya demam. tatau kenapa ttbe je demam. Almost a week. Mase birthday abah ya lagi dah demam. uhuk :( now baru mcm rase better and ada mood utk hupdate blog. Nnt lelama basi pulak cerita birthday abah ya kan ? hee :)

So hari jumaat lepas kiteorang celebrate birthday abah yang ke 53. ohh , abah saya sudah berumur tapi ..alhamdulillah masih sihat, kuat, kachak dan steady. Kebetulan cousin dari johor nak datang rumah stay for a few days. So alang alang celebrate di rumah sajeee. So by 430pm along ya suda prepared bakar arang and tmpat BBQ. And by 5pm aunty aunty shume shampaaaai :) makan makan and have fun with them . just a few of them. As long as abah ya happy :D . yeayyy!! kalau perasan gambar ya, and all my sistas mmg tade mase abah and along potong kek. Even mase berbbq pon , sebabnya tidak bertudung. Malasss. Haha ! gambar ya tak penting , yang penting dua org besday boy kat bwh ni haa. Again here ..


Lemon Cheese Cake
Chocolate Mousse Cake
my everything . LOVE YOU :)
I love you always abah :))
I love you always :)
p/s : actually besday along 21st Jan , tapi dia nak smbut dgn abah sekali :)
gedik kan ? anak abah , haha !

berbbq bersama cousin dari johor , side mak .
ouhh , cili cecah dia mmg awesome !
terbaik sangat sangat , nice combination , seriously ! 10 thumbs up :)
so at night ingat nak sambung bakar lagi
tapi bawak aunty aunty ke alamanda .
permintaan dari mereka , nak shopping katanya .
oke baiklah , roger and out . haha :)
so siap siap capai apa yg ada then terus keluar
dalam tu baju kuning tuw if u guys perasan baju tido I tau .
Haha , tapi cover dengan cardigan . heks :D
sila unlike pics budak baju kuning yg demam dan messy tu . haha

melayan karenah makcik makcik , oke la kalo begituu :)
lovely angah :) and im not maxis user. haha :)
Okay, enough aksi gedik ni. Jom balikkk!

February 4, 2011

Quick Wishes

auwwww can't wait !
I love you abah with fullest of my heart .
I heart you , you're really meant to me !

Ohh, nak cakap mmg banyak . Later will updated the whole story .
Awwwww, can't wait ;)